Dear students,
To ensure the security of exams, the Deanery of Marmara University Faculty of Engineering requests exams to be “watched by camera”. In line with this request, a guideline for “online exam with camera” is being prepared. You will be informed about this guideline when it is finished.
This message has been written for preliminary information for you to own a camera before the midterm exam period starts. Until the midterm period begins, everyone who is enrolled in industrial engineering department at Marmara University must provide a camera which functions properly.
One of these camera types (e.g. laptop camera, webcam or mobile phone camera) must be available and functional throughout all exam (midterm, final, make-up) periods.
The students who do not accept this application will be provided a special session for one-to-one online oral exam by the instructor of the relevant course.
1) The instructions for the courses in which the instructor uses evaluation tools (such as project, presentation, homework, etc.) that do not require camera usage will be announced to the students by the instructor.
2) For classical exams (exams with file-upload) that require camera usage, please follow the guideline document to be sent to the students in order to observe the student's face and the exam papers on the student's desk with camera (laptop camera, webcam or mobile phone camera).
3) For test exams that will be held on UES system, students must sign in to both UES and ZOOM platforms at the same time and keep their camera online.
Students who want to take one-to-one online oral exam should contact and notify and in a single mail until 09.04.2021. After this date, requests for one-to-one oral exam will not be allowed.
Head of Industrial Engineering Department