- ÜNAL IREM, Türkyılmaz Alper, SENVAR ÖZLEM, BULKAN SEROL (2023). Managing Large-Scale Software Product Development Projects: A Review. 6th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 1410-1421., Doi: 10.46254/EU6.20230358
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- Çakmak, A., Ceylan, Z., & Bulkan, S. (2023). An Ordered Flow Shop Scheduling Problem. In International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems (pp. 161-173). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Özçelik, M. H., & Bulkan, S. (2023). Nearest Centroid Classifier Based on Information Value and Homogeneity. In International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems (pp. 36-45). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
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- Karacan, I., Karacan, I., Erdogan, I., Senvar, O., & Bulkan, S. (2022). An Integrated Intuitionistic Fuzzy MCDM Approach to Rank Alternatives of Polycarbonate Thermoplastic Resins. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey (pp. 1100-1111).
- Özçelik, M.H. & Bulkan, S., (2022). Stacked Ensemble Modeling with Personalized Weights Based on Clustering. YAEM 2022, Page: 154 (Özet Bildiri)
- Büyüközdemir K., Baş A., Çalış Uslu B. (2021) A Review of Heuristic Approaches to Vehicle Routing Problems. IEEE CSDE 2021, Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering 2021, Brisbane, Avustralya, 08 Aralık 2021
- Topcu G. , Çağıl O, Susoy Y, & Çalış Uslu, B. (2021) Supply chain risk management: a literature review on definition, theory, and the role of simulation and existing optimization methods. 19th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LMSCM2021) 21th-22th October 2021, Gaziantep
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- Cayvaz, F., Tuzkaya, G., Kalender, Z. T., Kilic, H. S. (2021). Analysis of supply chain disruption factors under the effect of the covid-19 pandemic via neutrosophic fuzzy DEMATEL. In International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (pp. 347-354). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Cizmecioglu, N., Kilic, H. S., Kalender, Z. T., & Tuzkaya, G. (2021). Selection of the Best Software Project Management Model via Interval-Valued Neutrosophic AHP. In Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques for Emerging Conditions and Digital Transformation (pp. 388-396). Springer International Publishing.
- Öztemel E. (2021) A General Framework For Knowledge Management In Industry 4.0, 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems , Sakarya, Turkey, 2021
- Öztemel, E., & Saracoğlu, H. (2021). Enrcihing Traditional Business Software With Self Decision Making Capability. 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems, Sakarya, Turkey
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- Akdağ, T., Sennaroğlu, B. (2019). Prediction of Refrigerator Sales Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Method. 8th International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling (ICAAMM19) (pp.177-182). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Çalış, B. (2019). An Integrated Model for Sustainable Procurement Management. International Symposium on Engineering Natural Sciences and Architecture (pp.326-332). Kocaeli, Turkey.
- Daşçıoğlu, B.G., Kalender, Z.T., Tuzkaya, G., Kılıç, H.S. (2019). Evaluation of electric vehicles station locations with an extended TOPSIS methodology using probabilistic linguistic term sets. International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, INFUS 2019 (pp.820-828). İstanbul, Turkey.
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- Karakoç, Ö., Es, H.A., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). Gri Algoritması ile Türkiye’deki İllerin İnsani Gelişme İndeksine göre Kümelenmesi. 3rd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WOCTINE), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kurt, M., Sennaroğlu, B. (2019). Forecasting Call Arrivals in Telecommunication Sector with SARIMA Method . 8th International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling (ICAAMM19) (pp.236-241). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Meşepınar, E., Vayvay, Ö., Kalender, Z.T. (2019). The impact of successful management of the idea-to-product process on the success of new product development in the pharmaceutical industry. 9th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation And Business Management.
- Özkan, B.E., Bulkan, S. (2019). Hidden Risks to Cyberspace Security from Obsolete COTS Software. 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Silent Battle, CyCon 2019, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Özkurtuluş, S., Esmen, S., Bayrı, F., Ayhan, M.B., Özel, S. (2019). Appropriate Partner Selection Using AHP and TOPSIS Methods in ECommerce Environment. 5th International Conference on Management Studies, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Akıcı, O. (2019). Supplier selection using fuzzy analytic network process . International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, INFUS 2019 (pp.829-834). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Topgül, M.H., Kılıç, H.S., Tuzkaya, G. (2019). Supply chain greenness assessment based on intuitionistic fuzzy approaches . International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, INFUS 2019 (pp.472-480). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2019). A holistic approach for the optimization of offshore wind farm layouts considering cable layouts . The 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE2019), Munich, Germany.
- Yurtsever, Ö., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). An Evaluation Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Banking Sector. III. International Applied Social Sciences Congress (C-iasoS – 2019).
- Akdağ, T., Vayvay, Ö., Kalender, Z.T. (2018). Innovative Strategies For White Goods Warehouse Process. 16th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress.
- Aydın, M.E. , Öztemel, E., Nashawati, D., Odeh, M., Mansour, A. (2018). An Agent-Based Approach for Strategic Alignment in Enterprise Systems: A Cancer Care Case . 1st International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics (CCI) (pp.25-31). Amman, Jordan.
- Ceylan, Z., Ceylan, S., Bulkan, S. (2018). Estimation of Aviation Fuel Demand of Turkey by MLR and Grey Model . The International Conference on Materials Science, Machine and Automotive Engineerings and Technology, İzmir, Turkey.
- Çalış, B., Perera, T. (2018). Effects of Decision Levels for Management of the Operating Theatre Scheduling Problem. Engineering and Technology Management Summit 2018 (pp.71-82). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Daşcıoğlu, B.G., Tuzkaya, G., Kılıç, H.S. (2018). A Model for Determining the Locations of Electric Charge Stations in Istanbul. 16th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Denizli, Turkey.
- Daşcıoğlu, B.G., Tuzkaya, G. (2018). A Literature Review for Hybrid Vehicle Routing Problem. Global Joint conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas.
- Daşcıoğlu, B.G. , Vayvay, Ö., Kalender, Z.T. (2018). Humanitarian supply chain management: Extended literature review. Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas.
- Duman, E.A., Tuzkaya, G. (2018). Player Selection by Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A Case Study Based on Selection of Play-Maker Position For Eurobasket2015 Turkey National Basketball Team. International Physical Education, Sport, Recreation and Dance Congress.
- Dülger Kahraman, E., Öztemel, E. (2018). A General Education 4.0 Framework for Future Education Institutions. ERPA International Congress on Education 2018 (pp.638-644), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Fırat, S.Ü.O. (2018). Classifying the Provinces of Turkey in terms of Healthcare Indicators Via GRA- TRI. BALKOR 2018- XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Belgrade, Serbia And Montenegro.
- Kalem, G., Vayvay, Ö., Sennaroğlu, B., Tozan, H. (2018). Technological Forecasting in Telecommunication Industry. Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas (GJCIE 2018) (pp.31). Nevşehir, Turkey.
- Karaman, E., Arıcıgil Çilan, Ç., Fırat, S.Ü. (2018). TIMSS Sınavı Sonuçlarının Kategorik Regresyon Analizi Yöntemi İle Değerlendirilmesi. 19. Uluslararası EYİ Sempozyumu (pp.1342-1350). Antalya, Turkey.
- Özel, S., Çelik, M.C. (2018). Tedarik Zinciri ve Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Dönüşümü ve Etkileri. International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy 2018 Autumn.
- Öztemel, E. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and its effect on social transformation. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence towards Industry 4.0 -ICAII4.0, Hatay, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E. (2018). Industry 4.0, Digital Tranformation and Situation in Turkey. 6th international Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science, Antalya, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E. (2018). Digitial Transformation: How to proceed with?. VI. Internatıonal Regional Development Symposium, Konya, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E., Özel, S., Gürsev, S. (2018). Endüstri 4.0 Uygulamalarının Performans Kriterleri Araştırması Ve Hizmet Sektörü Stratejisinin Belirlenmesi. ICOMEP’18, International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy (pp.491-499). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E., Özel, S., Yaman, S. (2018). Sürdürülebilir Teknolojik Olgunluk İçin İşletmelerin Teknolojik Hazırlık Seviyesinin Değerlendirilmesi. ICOMEP’18, International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy (pp.175). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E., Yaman, S. (2018). Asessing Technological Readines Levels To Sustain Technologic Maturity . ICOMEP’18, International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Temuçin, T., Tuzkaya, G., Vayvay, Ö. (2018). A Literature Review On Aircraft Maintenance Routing Problem. 16th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Denizli, Turkey.
- Sennaroğlu, B., İşsever, T. (2018). Sales Forecasting for a Product Group of a Company in Textile Industry . 6th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress (LMSCM2018) (pp.106). Denizli, Turkey.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Yurtsever, Ö. (2018). Evaluating Measurement System by Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility . 2nd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (pp.1610-1616). Paris, France.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2018). Wind farm layout optimization to maximize total power production. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering, Zamora, Ecuador.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2018). Optimization of offshore wind farm cable layouts . Sixth European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES2018), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Ünal, İ., Tumantozlu, H.C. , Ak, E.M., Türkoğlu, E., Bulkan, S., Çalış, B. (2018). Scheduling of Traffic Lights . International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (pp.2065-2066). Paris, France.
- Yıldıran, P., Kılıç, H.S., Sennaroğlu, B. (2018). A Quantitative Assessment Model for ICT System Solution Selection with Bayesian Network for Enterprise Architecture Decisions . 4th Global Business Research Congress (GBRC 2018) (pp.277-280). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Ağlan, C., Durmuşoğlu, M.B., İzer, M.U. (2017). Balancing Production and Shipping in Implosive Industries (pp. 1-8). 17th International Symposium for Production Research, , Vienna, Austria.
- Arıoğlu Akan, M.Ö., Selam, A.A. (2017). Assessment of Social Sustainability Using Social Society Index: A Clustering Application. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, Rome, Italy.
- Ceylan, Z., Ceylan, S., Bulkan, S. (2017). Analysis of Road Based Air Pollutant Levels by Various Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Predicting Air Quality. International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Aydın, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Ceylan, S., Bulkan, S. (2017). Assessing the Accuracy of Artificial Intellıgence and MLR Models in Estimation of Road Transportation Energy Demand in Turkey. International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Aydın, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S. (2017). Assessment of Medical Waste Management: A Case Study in Istanbul. International Conference on Computational and Statistical Methods in Applied Sciences, Samsun, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S. (2017). Optimization of Integrated Production/Distribution and Inventory Planning Model for a Factory in Automotive Industry. International Conference on Research in Education and Science, Aydın, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S. (2017). The Grey Prediction GM (1,1) Model for Forecasting of Transportation-Related Energy Demand of Turkey. International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, Antalya, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S., Tozan, H. (2017). Comparison of Multi-Objective Decision-Making Methods for Bi-Objective Integrated Supply Chain Network in Automotive Industry. International Conference Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, Antalya, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S., Tozan, H. (2017). An Application of Multi-Period Multi-Product Production Planning Model in Automotive Industry . International Conference on Computational and Statistical Methods in Applied Sciences, Samsun, Turkey.
- Duman, E.A., Tuzkaya, G., Türegün, E. (2017). A Cluster Analysis of Players from 2016-2017 Turkish Basketball League. 15th International Sport Sciences Congress.
- Erdem, M., Bulkan, S., Akay, D., Boran, F.E. (2017). Forecasting Electricity Consumption in Turkey with Bayesian Polynomial Regression Analysis. 5. European Conference On Renewable Energy Systems, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). The Assessment of Countries with respect to Education Services via Grey Relational Analysis . The International Congress on Management Economics and Business ICMEB’2017, Zonguldak, Turkey.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). Application with interval grey number and extended TOPSIS for Multi Criteria Group Decision Making Problem . The International Congress on Management Economics and Business ICMEB’2017, Zonguldak, Turkey.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). Assessing the performances of the universities of Turkey . 3rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress 2017, Konya, Turkey.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). The ranking of industrial engineering departmentsaccording to education quality: the case of Turkey . 3rd International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress 2017, Konya, Turkey.
- Er Kara, M., Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). A Review on Sustainability and Risk Management. 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development (pp.210-215). Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina.
- Er Kara, M., Fırat, S.Ü. (2017). A Review Study on Supply Chain Intelligence. 4th International Management Information Systems Conference (pp.189). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Erdil, M., Sennaroğlu, B., Keskin, S. S. (2017). Evaluation of Energy and Carbon Footprints of Fabric Production in Turkish Textile Industry: A Case Study . 1th International Conference on Energy and Thermal Engineering (pp.481-486). İstanbul, Turkey.
- İzer, M.U., Ağlan, C. (2017). Integration of Industry 4.0 and Lean Principles (pp. 1-8). 17th International Symposium for Production Research, Vienna, Austria.
- Kalender, Z.T. (2017). A General Overview of the Effects of Social Media to Healthcare Management. 6. International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences.
- Öztemel, E. (2017). Process of industrial change and social transformation. 1st International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, Tokat, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E. (2017). Industry 4.0 and its social effects. International Symposium on Industry 4.0 and Applications (ISIA 2017), Karabük, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E., Çalış, B. (2017). Goal Directed Supplier Selection Model: An AgentBased Architecture. 7th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (RTSET-2017) (pp.23-36). London, United Kingdom.
- Öztemel, E., Özel, S. (2017). Assessing the Effectiveness of Vocational Qualification Test Centers. First Mediterranean Natural Sciences and Engineering Congress (MENSEC 2017) (pp.115-116). Podgorica, Montenegro.
- Öztemel, E., Özel, S. (2017). Generating an assessment model for municipalities. 2nd International Conference On Economics, Business Management And Social Sciences (ICEBSS 2017) (pp.129). Belgrade, Serbia And Montenegro.
- Parlak, F., Vayvay, Ö., Kunter, F., Kalender, Z.T. (2017). Literature Review of the RD Teams’ Leadership to Manage Innovation. SIBR Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Topgül, M., Kılıç, H.S., Tuzkaya, G. (2017). A Methodology forAssessment of Green Manufacturing . 2nd International Sustainability Congress.
- Sennaroğlu, B., (2017). Experimental Design for Analyzing Shade Variation in Dyeing Process. 2017 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (pp.505). Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Polat, G. (2017). Time Series Forecasting for a Call Centre. 2017 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) (pp.464-468). Bristol, United Kingdom.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Varlık Çelebi, G. (2017). A Military Airport Location Selection by PROMETHEE Method. PROMETHEE Days 2017 (pp.31). Portsmouth, Dominica.
- Şenvar, Ö. (2017). A Systematic Customer Oriented Approach based on Hesitant Fuzzy AHP for Performance Assessments of Service Departments. 10th Conference of the European-Society-for-Fuzzy-Logic-and-Technology (EUSFLAT) / 16th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets (IWIFSGN) (pp.289-300). Warszawa, Poland.
- Tuzkaya, U.R., Tuzkaya, G., Yılmazer, K.B., Kalender, Z.T. (2017). A Logistics Allocation Model For Freight Villages: A Case Study for Turkey. The 15th International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress.
- Bingöl, Ş., Vargeloğlu, O. B. , Fırat, S.Ü. (2016). A Literature Review of Adaboost and Svm Techniques. 3rd International Management Information Systems Conference (pp.183-190), İzmir, Turkey.
- Duman, E.A., Tuzkaya, G. (2016). Performance Analysis in Basketball A Review Study . The 10th International Conference In Physical Education, Sports And Physical Therapy, Elazığ, Turkey.
- Duman, E.A., Tuzkaya, G., Karabal, D. (2016). Developing A Decision Support System with Fuzzy Numbers For Youth Sports Club Selection . 14th International Sport Sciences Congress, Antalya, Turkey.
- Er Kara, M., Yurtsever, Ö., Fırat, S.Ü. (2016). Sustainable Supplier Evaluation and Selection Criteria. International Sustainability Congress (pp.190-195). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Eraslan, I.H. , Dönmez, C.Ç., Akgul, M.K. (2016). The Incoming Paradigm Shift with Globalization and Clustering Approach. 12th International Strategic Management Conference (ISMC) (pp.101-109). Antalya, Turkey.
- Es, H.A., Hamzaçebi, C., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2016). Flowsort Yöntemi ile Gelişmiş Ülkelerin Ar Ge Faaliyetlerine Göre Sınıflandırılması. 3. Uluslararası Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Konferansı, İzmir, Turkey.
- Es, H.A. , Hamzaçebi, C., Fırat, S.Ü. (2016). An Integration of the FlowSort Method with Interval Grey Number. International Conference on Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis, Leicester, United Kingdom.
- Es, H.A. , Hamzaçebi, C., Fırat, S.Ü. (2016). Ülkeler Bazında Havayolu Taşıma Performanslarının İncelenmesi. EYİ 2016- XVII Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, Sivas, Turkey.
- Hopalı, E., Sennaroğlu, B. (2016). Impact of Competitive Factors on the Achievement of Competitive Advantage in the Airline Industry. The WEI International Academic Conference, Rome, Italy.
- İzer, M.U., Şahin, N.P. (2016). Development of a Quality Control Information System in a Firm Manufacturing Pumps and Valves. 3rd International Management Information Systems Conference (pp.266-277). İzmir, Turkey.
- İzer, M.U., Şahin, N.P., Ağlan, C. (2016). Usage of Unit Load Automated Storage and Retrieval System for Stock Area Design With System Analysis In A Firm Making Job Order Production. 16th Symposium on Production Research with International Participation (pp.658-663). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kalem, G., Kurt, O.E., Vayvay, Ö., Kalender, Z.T. (2016). The role of Mobile Devices and Applications in Supply Chains . 17th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kalender, Z.T. (2016). Adaptation of Lean Principles to Offices Literature Review of Lean Office. 16. Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Kalender, Z. T. , Vayvay, Ö. (2016). The Fifth Pillar of the Balanced Scorecard: Sustainability. 12th International Strategic Management Conference (ISMC) (pp.76-83). Antalya, Turkey.
- Öztemel, E., Dügenci, M. (2016). Atıksu Arıtma Tesis Kontrolde Arı Algoritması İle Kirlilik Parametre Tahmini . 3rd International Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering and Science, (pp.512-517), Valencia, Spain.
- Samuk, T. B. , Arıoğlu Akan, M.Ö., Arıoğlu, N. (2016). Evaluation of Boron Compounds as Additives in Building Material Production within the Context of Sustainability. 41st IAHS World Congress Sustainability and Innovation for the Future.
- Selam, A.A., Atalay, A.K., Arıoğlu Akan, M.Ö. (2016). Prediction of Renewable Energy Consumption in Turkey Using Artificial Neural Networks. 1. International Sustainability Congress 2016.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Mutlu, M., Tuzkaya, G. (2016). An Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Promethee Approach for Hospital Service Quality Evaluation. 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science (FLINS) (pp.588-594). Roubaix, France.
- Tuzkaya, U.R., Yilmazer, B., Tuzkaya, G., Sennaroğlu, B. (2016). Evaluation of the Parking Lots by Using Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Promethee Approach: An Example For Istanbul. 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies in Nuclear Science (FLINS) (pp.943-947). Roubaix, France.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2016). Offshore Wind Farm Layout Optimization Using Mathematical Modeling. International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences.
- Açıkgöz, İ., Tuzkaya, G., Vayvay Ö., Şimşit, Z. (2015). The Impact Of Information Technology Applications On The Supply Chain Performance And A Case Study. 13. International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, İzmir, Turkey.
- Bilsel, M., Davutyan, N. (2015).Hospital Efficiency with Endogenously Determined Direction Vectors, 13th International Conference On Data Envelopment Analysis, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Bilsel, M., Özel, S., Vayvay, Ö. (2015). Responsive Supply Chain and an Analysis on Manufacturing Industry, Sixth International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability (ICOVACS 2015), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Ceylan, Z., Bulkan, S. (2015). Inventory Analysis in a Pharmacy. International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Çalış, B. (2015). Profit Based Scheduling Using Agent Based Architecture: A Single Machine Problem, Sixth International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability (ICOVACS 2015), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Düzdar, İ., Kayakutlu, G., Sennaroğlu, B. (2015). Association Rules in Innovative Technology Collaboration. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp.220-226). Oregon, United States Of America.
- Düzdar, İ., Kayakutlu, G., Sennaroğlu, B. (2015). A Multi Criteria Evaluation of Impressive Criteria for Collaborative Innovation of SMEs . 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2015), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Düzdar, İ., Kayakutlu, G., Sennaroğlu, B. (2015). Operational Criteria Evaluation for Collaboration of Innovative SMEs. Sixth International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability (ICOVACS 2015) (pp.70-74). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Erol Bingüler, A.H., Bulkan, S., Ağaoğlu, M. (2015). A Heuristic Approach for Shelf Space Allocation Problem. International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Gündoğan, M., Çetiner, B.G. (2015). Money Creation Mechanism Produces Unbridled Debt: Pseudo Relationship between Production of Goods and Services and the Production of Money. Sixth International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability (ICOVACS 2015), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Korkmaz, M.S., Bulkan, S., Duman, E. (2015). A New TDVRP (Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem) Model And Its Solution By Genetic Algorithm. 13th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs Combinatorial Optimization (pp.229-230). İstanbul, Turkey.
- Oktay Fırat, S.Ü., Özel, S., Er-Kara, M., Arıoğlu-Akan, M.Ö., Selam, A.A. (2015). A Descriptive Analysis of Renewable Energy Use for World Countries. The 16th International Conference Of The Global Academy Of Business & Economic Research. New York, USA.
- Öztemel, E. (2015). Religious applications of artificial intelligence . 3rd international conference on islamic applications in computer science and technology (IMAN-15) (pp.14). Konya, Turkey.
- Selam, A.A., Arıoğlu Akan, M.Ö. (2015). Sustainable Project Management and Sustainability Focused Projects A Brief Summary. Sixth International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability (ICOVACS 2015), İstanbul, Turkey.
- Sennaroğlu, B. (2015). Clustering of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises as a Strategy for Their Competitiveness. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp.310-312). Oregon, United States Of America.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Hopalı, E. (2015). Evaluating Competitive Position of an Airline Company. 7th International Scientific and Expert Conference TEAM (Technique, Education, Agriculture Management), Belgrade, Serbia And Montenegro.
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Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
- Cihan, E., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). Endüstri 4.0'ın İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğine Etkileri Üzerine Bir Vaka Çalışması. 25. UEK Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey.
- Doğruel Anuşlu, M., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). Ülkelerin Endüstri 4.0 Seviyesinin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Düzeylerine Etkisinin Analizi. I. Endüstri ve İşletme Mühendisliği Kongresi, Adana, Turkey.
- Fırat, S.Ü., Cihan, E. (2019). Engelli İstihdamında Ergonomi ve Endüstri 4.0 İlişkisi. 25. UEK Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi, Samsun, Turkey.
- Fırat, S. Ü., Kaçan, M. (2019). Havacılık Sektöründe Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi Süreçlerinin Analiz Edilmesi ve İyileştirilmesi. 39. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YA/EM) Ulusal Kongresi (pp.15-16). Ankara, Turkey.
- Öztürk, M., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2019). Cantor Set Based Neighborhood Generation: An Application to Quadratic Assignment Problem. 39. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YA/EM) Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey.
- Özyazar, Ö., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). Tip 2 Diyabet Mikrovasküler ve Makrovasküler Komplikasyonları İçin Sınıflandırma Tabanlı Risk Modeli Geliştirme. 39. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YA/EM) Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey.
- Vargeloğlu, O.B., Doğruel Anuşlu, M., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). En Yaygın Si̇ber Saldırılar Üzeri̇ne Kıyaslamalı Bi̇r İnceleme. 13. İstanbul Bilişim Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Yıldız, S.C., Fırat, S.Ü. (2019). Türkiye’deki Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Endüstri 4.0 Bilgi Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. I. Endüstri ve İşletme Mühendisliği Kongresi, Adana, Turkey.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç., (2019). Rüzgâr Enerji Santrallerinin Kurulumunda Türbin Yerlerinin ve Elektrik Kablo Bağlantılarının Optimizasyonu. 39. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YA/EM) Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey.
- Fırat, S.Ü. (2018). Endüstri 4.0’ın Ergonomi Üzerindeki Etkileri . Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi (pp.7). Erzurum, Turkey.
- Ülkü, İ., Alabaş Uslu, Ç. (2018). Rüzgar Türbinlerinin Yerleşim Problemi İçin Yeni Bir Matematiksel Model . 38. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi (YAEM), Eskişehir, Turkey.
- Keskin, S.S., Erdil, M., Sennaroğlu, B. (2017). Bir tekstil fabrikasının kumaş üretiminde enerji ve karbon ayak izlerinin belirlenmesi. VII. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, Antalya, Turkey.
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- Düzdar, İ., Kayakutlu, G., Sennaroğlu, B. (2015). Yenilikçi KOBİ'ler için İşbirliği Kriterlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YAEM) 35. Ulusal Kongresi (pp.96). Ankara, Turkey.
- Er-Kara, M., Oktay Fırat, S.Ü. (2015). Tedarik Zinciri Risk Yönetiminin Gelişmesini Tetikleyen Risk Olayları Üzerine bir İnceleme. IV. Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi. Gümüşhane, Turkey.
- Kasap, L.G., Tuzkaya, G. (2015). Afet Lojistiği ve Türkiye'deki Uygulamaları: Literatür Araştırması. 4. Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi.
- Kasap, L.G., Tuzkaya, G., Vayvay, Ö. (2015). Afet Sonrası Enkaz Atıklarının Kaldırılmasına Yönelik Bir Model Önerisi. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YAEM) 35. Ulusal Kongresi, Ankara, Turkey.
- Oktay Fırat, S.Ü., Yurtsever, Ö., Bilsel, M., (2015). Türkiye'de Kara Taşıtlarının Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik Açısından İstatistiki Analizi . X. Endüstri İşletme Mühendisliği Kurultayı, İstanbul, Turkey.
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