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- Ayhan, M.B., Aydın, M.E., Öztemel, E. (2015). A multi-agent based approach for change management in manufacturing enterprises. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 26(5), 975-988.
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- Kubat, C., Taşkın, H., Öztemel, E. (2015). Special Issue on "Applications of computational intelligence and fuzzy logic to manufacturing and service systems." Computers and Industrial Engineering, 86(C), 1.
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- Öztemel, E. (2015). Special issue on Current progress of intelligent technologies for manufacturing society. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 26(5), 959-960.
- Sennaroğlu, B., Şenvar, Ö. (2015). Performance Comprarison of Box-Cox Transformation and Weighted Variance Methods with Weibull Distribution. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 8(2), 49-55.
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- Türkyılmaz, A., Bulkan, S. (2015). A hybrid algorithm for total tardiness minimisation in flexible job shop: genetic algorithm with parallel VNS execution. International Journal of Production Research, 53(6), 1832-1848.
- Ülkü, İ., Bulkan, S., Üney-Yüksektepe, F. (2015). An analytical approach to automotive industry. Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, 8 (2), 15-23.
- Eraslan, İ.H., Dönmez, C.Ç., Yüksel, A. (2015). Kümelenme Yaklaşımının Kavramsal Tanımı: Sistem ve Sistemlerin İşleyişi Açısından Bir Değerlendirme. Journal of Social Sciences Institute/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 (9).
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