Master's Theses
Büşra Gülnihan Daşcıoğlu, "Electric charge stations location and an application in Istanbul", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2020.
Bakary Konare, "Self-sustainability through renewable energy production in mali: zero-energy-houses", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. B. Gültekin Çetiner, 2019.
Ömer Karakoç, "Evaluation of development levels of the provinces with grey cluster analysis based on human development index", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Avni Es, 2019.
Mustafa Kacan, "Analysis and development of customer relationship management processes in aviation sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2019.
Özge Özyazar, "Data mining applications for sustainable medical systems: A study on diabetes", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2019.
Ezgi Cihan, "Challenges and Readiness of Turkey for Industry 4.0: An Empirical Study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2019.
Özkan Çikot, "Project management with PMI standards and a critical approach to a real utilization in banking industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2019.
Selin Sıla Karakaş, "Investigation of brand loyalty in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2019.
Meltem Kurt, "Forecasting Call Center Arrivals: A Case Study in the Telecommunication Sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Fen Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Advisor: Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2019.
Tülay Akdağ, "Application of Sales Forecasting Techniques for A Company in The Home Appliances Industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Kıvanç Onan, 2019.
Kenan Çetin, "A mathematical model for personnel task assignment problem in banking sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2019.
Hüseyin Ardıç, "A mathematical method for agile software design: An application", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2019.
Tuğçenur Köşker, "Prioritization of Ergonomic Risk Assessment Methods with IF-AHP and Proposal of an Integrated Method", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2019.
Burak Yakar, "A systematic perspective on supply chain improvement by using lean six sigma and an implementation at a fertilizer company", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Cem Çağrı Dönmez, 2019.
Birkan Durmuşoğlu, "Renewable energy and carbon emission reduction: Analysis of Turkey and top emitting regions", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, Co-advisor: Dr. Ayşe Ayçim Selam, 2018.
Süleyman Yaman, "Defining technological readiness levels for enterprises", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, Co-advisor: Dr. Semih Özel, 2018.
Meltem Mutlu, "Çok kriterli hastane hizmet kalitesi değerlendirme ve uygulaması", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2018.
Ayşe Ecenaz Demirci, "An integrated approach based on anp, dematel and electre methodologies for personnel selection and an application in industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2018.
Erdinç Güvenç, "Customer oriented multi criteria decision making approach under fuzziness", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özlem Şenvar, 2018.
Husna Ali Hariz, "Siting of a central healthcare waste incinerator using GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Cem Çağrı Dönmez, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2017.
Mehtap Erdil, "Quality oriented process development via statistical analysis for carbon, water, and energy footprint: An application in textile industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Çevre Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Advisor: Prof. Sıddık Sinan Keskin, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2017.
Buket Begüm Semercioğlu, "Sales force allocation problem: A case study in banking sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Prof. Ekrem Duman, 2017.
Ahmet Selçuk Yalçın, "A model for supplier selection under environmental considerations", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2017.
Derya Doğan, "Kalite ve indikatör yönetiminde çalışanların bildirim düzeylerinin saptanması ve geliştirilmesi", Beykent University / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / İşletme Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2016.
İlknur Yardımcı, "Vehicle routing in city logistics wi̇th a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Prof. Mehmet Tanyaş, 2016.
Egemen Hopalı, "Competitive position analysis of the airline industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2016.
Tuğçe İşsever, "Sales forecasting in textile industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2016.
Ahmet Eyüp Artır, "A heuristic solution approach for a resource management problem at news agencies", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Yusuf Şahin, 2016.
Lamia Gülnur Kasap, "A vehicle allocation model for post-disaster debris removal operations", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, 2016.
Cihan Uyanık, "An integrated DEMATEL–intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS methodology for logistics centers location selection", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Senay Oğuztimur, 2016.
Zehra Nur Lafcı, "Internet services campaign selection based on an integrated decision making approach", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2016.
Hakkı Nalcıoğlu, "Lean six sigma based methodology for the localization of material supply: An application in steel industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2016.
Pınar Yurdaer, "A leanness assessment model and an application", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Selçuk Kılıç, 2016.
Şükran Sezin Karaağaç, "Churn analysis and churn prediction in a private bank", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2015.
Aliashgar Kavian, "Implementing support vector regression method in electricity price forecasting", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Melih Kırlıdoğ, Co-advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2014.
Zeynep Ceylan, "Shelf arrangement via data mining techniques and a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2014.
Mustafa Durmuş, "Enterprise risk management in public institutions:An implementation in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, Co-advisor: Prof. Ümit Bititci, 2014.
Gülsay Varlık Çelebi, "Multi-criteria decision making for location selection", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2014.
Murat Berke Kara, "ISO 9000 kalite yönetim sistemi: Elektronik parça ithalatı yapan bir firmaya uygulanışı", İstanbul Ticaret University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. B. Gültekin Çetiner, 2013.
Zeynep Pelin Beklen, "Triz metodolojisi kullanarak yenilikçi ürün geliştirme", İstanbul Ticaret University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. B. Gültekin Çetiner, 2013.
Emre Arıkan, "Çok kriterli karar verme teknikleri ile katı atık bertaraf etme teknolojisi seçimi ve bir uygulama", Air Force Academy / Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2013.
Mehmet Rıfat Kamber, "A multi-start simulated annealing algorithm supplemented with tabu list for the dynamic facility layout problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, 2013.
Meltem Dinçkan, "Business process reengineering via simulation technique and a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2013.
İnci Açıkgöz, "The impact of information technology applications on the supply chain performance and a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, 2013.
Mehmet Selçuk Korkmaz, "A genetic algorithm based solution approach for TDVRP", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Ekrem Duman, 2013.
Ahmet Herekoğlu, "Yonars - interactive web based operations research platform", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. M. Akif Eyler, 2012.
Murat Uçar, "Çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri ile ERP yazılımı seçimi", Air Force Academy / Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2012.
Necla Yel, "Model Based Fault Monitoring System in Machining An Applied Study",Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Farid Noureddine, 2011.
Canan Yıldırım, "Lean Six Sigma Methodology and An Applied Study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2011.
Serhan Hamal, "Using fuzzy analytic network process for selecting optimal marketing strategy", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2011.
Orhan Akıcı, "Using fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) for supplier selection", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2011.
Yonca Erdem, "Workforce planning for seasonal demands", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2011
Emrah Can, "A research on bog game based on the game theory", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2011.
Melek Billur Gündüz Kökkız, "Effect of customer gender in crm applications", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. S. Serdar Yörük, 2011.
Sinem Tuğral Kurultay, "Six Sigma Philosophy-An Applied Sudy in the University for Education System", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2010.
Canan Ersan, "Implementation of airport gate assignment problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. M. Akif Eyler, 2010.
Merve Er, "Composite ant colony algorithms for transportation problems", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2010.
Sercan Tomaç, "Radio frequency identification (RFID) in supply chain management and logistics and integration with ERP software", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2010.
Hatice Didem Güven, "Identification of business development opportunities in a pharmaceutical company in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2010.
Tuğba Yıldırım, "Comparision of artificial neural networks and traditional methods for electricity consumption", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2010.
Onur Akgün, "Six sigma and statistical applications in automotive sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2010.
Bikem Türkeli, "Solution of bicriteria open shop scheduling problem with genetic algorithm and tabu search and detailed analysis of results", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2010.
Ayşe Hande Erol, "A heuristic solution algorithm to quadratic assignment problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2010.
Selin Sert, "A new solution method for the capacitated traveling purchaser problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2010.
Elif Yiğit, "The role of prioritization in information technology demand management system", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Asst. Prof. S. Serdar Yörük, 2010.
Ph.D. Theses
Zeynep Tuğçe Kalender, "Process improvement through decision making based hybrid methodologies and a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2020.
Deniz Efendioğlu, "Livestock Supply Chain Management and Assessments with the Paradigms of Mass Customization in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. B. Gültekin Çetiner, 2019.
Özlem Yurtsever, "Carbon emission modelling and assessment of the Turkish banking sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2019.
Samet Gürsev, "Generating an Assessment Model for Industry 4.0", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2019.
İlayda Ülkü, "Offshore wind farm layout optimization using mathematical approaches and heuristic techniques", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Çiğdem Alabaş Uslu, 2019.
Başar Öğün, "Mathematical models and heuristic approaches to batch processing machine scheduling problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Çiğdem Alabaş Uslu, 2019.
Mehmet Bayram, "Statistical Arbitrage with Fuzzy Logic", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Muzaffer Akat, 2019.
Tolga Temuçin, "A Flight Planning Model and a Case Study in an Airline Company", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülfem Tuzkaya, Co-advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2019.
Abdulkadir Atalan, "Development of heuristic optimization methods and experimental simulation design for the components and resources of healthcare", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Cem Çağrı Dönmez, 2019.
Fatih Kaya, "Contributions of blockchain to the supply chain and logistics in the vehicle industries platform", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu, 2019.
Hüseyin Avni Es, "A novel classification approach based on multicriteria decision aiding", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, Co-advisor: Prof. Coşkun Hamzaçebi, 2018.
Mehmet Erdem, "Developing A Framework For Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling System And A Heuristic Solution Approach", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2018.
Akın Karabulut, "Conflicting weighted cost minimisation heuristic method for an assembly linescheduling problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2018.
Zeynep Ceylan, "A new multi-objective model for integrated supply chain scheduling problem in flexible job shop environment", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Prof. Hakan Tozan, 2018.
Merve Er Kara, "Data mining approach in supply chain risk management", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2017.
Elif Çaloğlu Büyükselçuk, "Green and innovative supplier selection model via MCDM techniques and a case study in automotive industry", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2017.
Necla Öztürk, "A multi-criteria decision-making approach for health technology assessment and a case study for dialysis alternatives in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2017.
Mehmet Gürel Tekelioğlu, "A sustainable decision-making proposal for collection and transportation of solid waste", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Prof. Sevil Ünal, 2017.
Nilgün Gökmen, "An adaptive performance assessment system for business processes", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2016.
Lütfi Apilioğulları, "İşletmelerin yalın, çevik indeksinin belirlenmesi için bir model önerisi", Maltepe University / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı, Advisor: Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2016.
Filiz Çetin, "Heuristic solution to the product targeting problem based on mathematical programming", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem Alabaş Uslu, 2016.
Ali Özsoy, "Project management of large scale sports events", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, 2016.
Ayşe Hande Erol Bingüler, "A metaheuristic algorithm to elasticity based shelf space allocation problem", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Asst. Prof. Mustafa Ağaoğlu, 2016.
Semih Özel, "Measuring the competency of small and medium enterprises (SME): A dynamic model", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2015.
Banu Çalış, "Cooperation & coordination of distributed intelligent agents for manufacturing systems", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2015.
İrem Düzdar, "Association rules for innovative SME alliances", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Gülgün Kayakutlu, 2015.
Asım Tokgöz, "Developing a model of airline flight and maintenance operations using systems dynamics approach: An application in THY technic", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Prof. Selim Zaim, 2015.
Fatma Özge Bükey, "Data mining applications in customer relationship management and a comparative study in the banking sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Advisor: Prof. Seniye Ümit Fırat, 2014.
Evren Satıcı, "Assessing the knowledge management capabilities of enterprises: developing enterprise intelligence index and a case study", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2014.
Ayla Gülcü, "A comprehensive timetabling at Marmara University", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2014.
Adnan Çorum, "Performance analysis of push and pull strategies in hybrid manufacturing/remanufacturing systems", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Erkan Bayraktar, 2013.
Kıvanç Onan, "Disaster waste management: An evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, Co-advisor: Prof. Füsun Ülengin, 2013.
Sümeyye Samur, "A hybrid solution for makespan minimization in identical parallel machines with release time constraint", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, 2013.
Yusuf Şahin, "Intelligent ways of detecting fraud", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Serol Bulkan, Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Ekrem Duman, 2013.
Elif Dülger, "Yükseköğretimde uzaktan eğitim performansının ölçme ve değerlendirilmesi için bir model önerisi", Sakarya University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Harun Taşkın, Co-advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2012.
Özlem Şenvar, "Fuzzy process capability analyses for non-normal processes", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Asst. Prof. Bahar Sennaroğlu, Co-advisor: Prof. Cengiz Kahraman, 2012.
Ayşe Ayçim Selam, "Project scheduling using bee colony optimization", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2011.
Mahmure Övül Arıoğlu Salmona, "An agent-based framework for process management and performance evaluation in the service sector", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2011.
Serdar Çelik, "A holistic performance evaluation model for electricity distribution utilities: A case study in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, Co-advisor: Prof. Yasemin C. Erensal, 2011.
Ali Gürbüz, "Improved Genetic Algorithm", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. M. Akif Eyler, 2010.
Mustafa Batuhan Ayhan, "Development of a change management model for manufacturing systems", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Industrial Engineering, Advisor: Prof. Ercan Öztemel, 2010.
Sinan Apak, "A decision making model for the evaluation of supply chain execution and management systems", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2010.
Zehra Deniz Turhan, "Supply chain reengineering and application to an industrial company", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2010.
Sultan Nezihe Turhan, "Supply chain reenginering via service oriented architecture in healthcare supply chain in Turkey", Marmara University / Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences / Department of Engineering Management, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Özalp Vayvay, 2010.
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