Faculty Members Contributed to the Department


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Prof. Sami ERCAN, Ph.D.

PhD: Middle East Technical Uni., Industrial Management

MS: Illinois Inst. of Technology, Industrial Engineering   

BS: Illinois Inst. of Technology, Industrial Engineering





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Prof. T. Erkan TÜRE, Ph.D.

PhD: Uni. of California, Theoretical Statistics

MS: Uni. of California, Statistics

BS: Middle East Technical Uni., Mathematics (Operations Research)   





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Prof. Nüket YETİŞ, Ph.D.

PhD: İstanbul Technical Uni., Industrial Eng.

MS: Boğaziçi Uni., Business Administration

BS: Boğaziçi Uni., Chemical Eng.





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Prof. Yasemin Claire ERENSAL, Ph.D.

PhD:İstanbul Technical Uni., Industrial Eng.

MS: İstanbul Technical Uni., Industrial Eng.

BS: İstanbul Technical Uni., Industrial Eng.





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Prof. Nurhan DAVUTYAN, Ph.D.

PhD: Uni. of California Santa Barbara, Economics

MS: Boğaziçi Uni., Economics

BS: Boğaziçi Uni., Computer Eng.





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Assoc. Prof. M. Batuhan AYHAN, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni., Indsutrial Eng.

MS: Marmara Uni., Indsutrial Eng.

BS: Marmara Uni., Indsutrial Eng.





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Inst. Vardar İ. ÇOBANOĞLU, MBA

MBA: INSEAD, Business Administration and Management

BS: Boğaziçi Uni., Chemical Eng.





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Lecturer Baki SODAN

PhD: .

MS: .

BS: .





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