Faculty Members

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Prof. B. Gültekin ÇETİNER, Ph.D.

Chair of Department
PhD: Cardiff Uni., Electronical & Systems Eng.
MS: Uni. of Manchester, Mechanical Eng.
BS: Gazi Uni., Mechanical Ed. (Manufacturing Eng.)
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Prof. Ercan ÖZTEMEL, Ph.D.

Head of Industrial Engineering Minor Program

PhD: Uni. of Wales, Electrical, Electronical & Systems Eng.
MS: Boğaziçi Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: İstanbul Technical Uni., Industrial Eng.
 (0216) 777 36 36   
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Prof. Çiğdem ALABAŞ USLU, Ph.D.

Head of Operations Research Minor Program

PhD: Gazi Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Gazi Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Gazi Uni., Industrial Eng.
(0216) 777 36 35
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Prof. Bahar SENNAROĞLU, Ph.D.


PhD: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Uludağ Uni., Textile Eng.
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Prof. Serol BULKAN, Ph.D.

PhD: Cleveland State Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS:  Florida Ins. of Technology, Operations Research
MS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Management Eng.
BS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Management Eng.
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 (0216) 777 36 43 
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Prof. Gülfem TUZKAYA, Ph.D.

PhD: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
MBA: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Business
MS: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
(0216) 777 36 37  
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Prof. Hüseyin S. KILIÇ, Ph.D.

PhD: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Prof. Özlem ŞENVAR, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Başkent Uni., Quality Eng.
BS: Karadeniz Teknik Uni., Statistics and Computer Sciences 
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Assoc. Prof. Cem Çağrı DÖNMEZ, Ph.D.

PhD: Anglia Ruskin Uni., Econophysics
MA: Anglia Ruskin Uni., Philosophy
BS: Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Uni., Physics
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzum ÖZGEN

Vice Chair of Department
PhD: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Asst. Prof. M. Övül ARIOĞLU, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni, Industrial Eng.
MS: Marmara Uni, Industrial Eng.
BS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Environmental Eng.
(0216) 777 36 39  
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Asst. Prof. Merve ER, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Sakarya Uni., Industrial Eng.
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(0216) 777 36 40
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Asst. Prof. Canan AĞLAN GÖKLER, Ph.D.

PhD: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS:  İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Bahçeşehir Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Asst. Prof. Semih ÖZEL, Ph.D.

Vice Chair of Department
PhD: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: Marmara Uni., Electrical Edu.
BS: Marmara Uni., Electrical Edu.
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Asst. Prof. Banu ÇALIŞ USLU, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Üni., Industrial Eng.   MS: Marmara Üni., Engineering Management   
BS: Sakarya Üni., Industrial Eng.
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Asst. Prof. Zeynep Tuğçe KALENDER, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni., Industrial Eng.
MS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: İstanbul Ticaret Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Res. Assist. A. Ayçim ATALAY SELAM, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Uni, Industrial Eng.
MS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Engineering Management 
BS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Mechanical Eng.  
 (0216) 777 36 44
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Res. Assist. Murat BİLSEL, Ph.D.

PhD: Marmara Üni. Industrial Eng.
MA: Marmara Üni., Economics
BS: Uni. of Michigan, EECS
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Res. Assist. Burak ÇETİNER 

PhD: Boğaziçi Uni., Industrial Eng. (devam ediyor)
MS: Boğaziçi Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Res. Assist. Nur BEŞER

MS: İstanbul Teknik Uni., Management Eng..
BS: Eskişehir Osmangazi Uni., Industrial Eng.
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Res. Assist. Ayhan KÖKSÜZ

PhD: Yıldız Teknik Uni., Industrial Eng. (devam ediyor)
MS: Atatürk Uni., Industrial Eng.
BS: Atatürk Uni., Industrial Eng.
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