
Students are required to complete the program's total credit in order to graduate. In addition, graduation grade should be at least 2.00. In our faculty, evaluation is based on letter grading system.Weight of the final exams are 40% and the total weight of midterm exams, projects, assignments and quizzes (varies by course) is 60%. 

60 working days for summer internship must be completed before graduation.

There is a requirement to write a final project under the courses of IE497 and IE498 in the final year program.


The curriculum of Industrial Engineering Undergraduate program can be reached through the following links:

Industrial Engineering Undergraduate program curricula (For students entering before 2013)

Industrial Engineering Undergraduate program curricula (For students entering 2013 and 2014)

Industrial Engineering Undergraduate program curricula (For students entering after  2015)


Industrial Engineering Double Major / Minor program curricula can be accessed from the following links:

Industrial Engineering Double Major program curricula

Industrial Engineering Minor program curricula

This page updated by Industrial Engineering on 03.02.2025 14:05:46