Engineering Project

IE 4197 and IE 4198 Engineering Projects involve consecutive two terms of team collaboration focusing on designing/improving system processes and product/service design/improvement in manufacturing or service sector-oriented firms/institutions under the supervision of a faculty advisor, presented to advisors and jury members in written reports and presentations. The aim is to apply theoretical knowledge and competencies acquired during the education period to real-life problems, fostering skills in project design, implementation, practical work, and teamwork for engineering problem-solving.

Projects within this scope emphasize designing/improving complex systems and processes rather than simple process design and the creation of mathematical algorithms. Developing solutions involving complex systems/processes and using highly constrained multidimensional mathematical models or intuitive approaches enhances the quality of projects and benefits for students. It is crucial that data used in projects are collected by students themselves through scientific techniques (such as surveys, interviews, observations, etc.) rather than directly from any source, ensuring the use of current and secure data. Additionally, developing problem-specific algorithms or designs in projects using a software language familiar to the student (such as Java, Python, etc.) alongside packaged software contributes significantly to professional development.

IE4197 Engineering Project I and IE4198 Engineering Project II are mandatory courses in the final year of the M.U. Industrial Engineering department's curriculum, to be taken consecutively in two terms, Fall and Spring. For courses offered outside of this schedule (such as IE4197 in Spring and IE4198 in Fall), a request for a faculty member to supervise the project is required. Otherwise, courses will not be offered outside of the designated terms.

To enroll in the IE4197 Engineering Project I in the Fall term, students must have completed at least 6 semesters of courses excluding preparatory courses, taken the "IE2152 Statistics for Industrial Engineers" and "IE2032 Introduction to Operations Research" courses, and received a minimum grade of FD in these courses.

To enroll in the IE4197 Engineering Project I in the Spring term, students must have completed at least 7 semesters of courses excluding preparatory courses, and similarly, have passed the two aforementioned courses. Additionally, students must demonstrate that they can complete all required courses for graduation in the following Fall semester (A maximum of 20 courses remaining for graduation is required).

Students intending to take the project course must form project groups (minimum 2, maximum 4 members) and agree on a project advisor from the department before the start of the term, filling out the "Project Group and Advisor Determination Form" and submitting it to the Departmental Graduation Projects Coordinator (One member of the group can fill out and submit the form). Students participating in the Erasmus program abroad are not eligible to take the Graduation Project courses.

Upon the start of the respective term, project group students must register for the course under their chosen project advisor. Final grades for the engineering projects are based on presentations and reports. A final presentation is conducted in the last weeks of the term, where all project group members must participate and present their projects to the jury. There are no make-up exams for engineering projects.

Detailed information about the process can be followed through the process maps provided below. Additionally, information can be obtained from the course coordinator.

IE4197 Engineering Project I Course Process Flow Chart

IE4198 Engineering Project II Course Process Flow Chart

Graduation Project Preparation and Writing Guide

This page updated by Industrial Engineering on 13.02.2025 11:20:13